Kingdom Kids

A new Identity that speaks to the little ones (and their parents too)

Church of truth is a multi-cultural church based in Vancouver, WA with thousands of attendees every week. Kingdom Kids is one of many ministries within, working with the tiniest of those attendees.

Designer: Lesya Paprotskaya
Art Director: Andre Kazadayev

> Brand Identity
> Style Guide
> Illustration
> Application Collateral

Church of Truth


Vancouver, WA


The challenge

Church of Truth was looking for a much needed visual refresh for their kids ministry, Kingdom Kids. The new logo needed to stand on its own as a sub-brand of Church of Truth but it also needed to be dynamic and easily adapt to highlight various ministries under Kingdom Kids like Volunteers, Schools, Camps, and so on.

The solution

The new visual identity explodes with color and the flowing text where no letter is identical reflects the carefree nature of children. The full logo is adorned with the main design element, a crown emphasizing Jesus’ words found in Matthew 19:14, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” The crown was designed with simplicity in mind and can be drawn in one continuous motion and just like the text, it’s perfectly imperfect.


Nancy Reynolds


K8C Studio