Duet Collab was founded by Andre Kazadayev and Lesya Paprotskaya in late Summer of 2018 as a freelance design studio in a coffee shop in Redmond, WA. 

Since then Duet Collab has evolved into a nimble creative agency providing strategy, content, and design services to savvy thought-leaders and small to medium-sized businesses on the West Coast in cities like Seattle, Bellingham, Portland, Sacramento, San Jose, Los Altos, and Phoenix to name a few. Simply put, our mission is to grow your influence.

About us

  • Andre Kazadayev


    Andre has over 9 years of result-driven marketing experience in tech start-up environments around the Pacific Northwest. Andre’s last corporate gig included running social media for Pushpay, a $1.4 billion mobile payment solution for charities and nonprofits.

    Andre is a serial nerd about whatever he’s interested in at the moment. A year ago it was Catan. At the time of this writing Andre is perfecting his apple pie recipe. The next thing might be your brand or business.

    Andre also writes and produces music from his home studio in the greater Seattle area. You can check out some of his musical work on Spotify and Soundcloud.

  • Lesya Paprotskaya


    Lesya spent over 8 years working as a Senior Designer at a full-service print and design firm based in Sacramento, CA. During that time, Lesya has delivered over 2,000 projects ranging from business cards to billboards.

    A free-spirited adrenaline-junkie, Lesya makes the world a more beautiful place through design and other creative endeavors.

    Currently Lesya is working on the second volume of her coloring book series “Stop and Color” and the new designs for The Stay Project.

Our values

  • We are a scrappy bunch. We have the resolve and the resourcefulness to achieve results no matter what.

    “Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can” -Arthur Ashe

  • We approach each day with a sense of wonder. We never stop growing. We can learn something from everybody even if it’s what not to do.

    “Curiosity about life in all of its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.” -Leo Burnett

  • We are straightforward, trustworthy, and honor our commitments. Every time.

    “Integrity is doing the right thing even when no one is watching.” -CS Lewis

  • Life and work are not just about us but also about others. At Duet Collab we donate 11% of all earnings to nonprofits and charities that drive real change in the world.

    “For it is in giving that we receive.” -St. Francis of Assisi

Our mission
is to grow
your influence.