Nancy Reynolds

Establishing a thought leader

Nancy is the Founding Partner of a boutique real estate brokerage based in Los Altos, CA. Nancy and her team provide high-end real estate services to tech savvy go-getters living in Silicon Valley.

Chief Strategist: Andre Kazadayev
Senior Designer: Lesya Paprotskaya
Video Editor: Stennar Martinson
Virtual Assistant: Lihi Barsol

> Brand Strategy & Identity
> Paid Social Media Management
> Organic Social Media Management
> Monthly Analytics & Reporting
> Content Creation
> Copywriting
> Weekly Consulting
> Digital & Print Design

Nancy Reynolds


San Jose, CA

Real Estate

The challenge

More than eight years into her career, Nancy knew that it was time to get serious about social media.

Nancy’s previous forays into social media ended with the disappointing realization that she didn’t have the know-how or the time to do it herself.

At the end of the day, Nancy wanted to focus on two things: 1) Training superstar agents either through the residency program at her brokerage or by speaking at conferences. 2) Helping her clients grow their wealth through real estate.

The Results


Increase in engagement


New followers


People reached


Video views / month


Increase in eng / post


Increase in video views


Looking back to move forward

To understand the current state of Nancy’s brand and social media performance, we started with a deep dive into the previous three months of content and completed a full social media and brand audit.

Our analysis showed many tangible inconsistencies like different headshots across online profiles from website to social, unclear CTAs as well as a fluctuating posting schedule.

Tying all of these together was an overall lack of a consistent brand image and message across the entire online presence.


The new Nancy

We created a strategic roadmap and content plan to re-brand Nancy and created the first months worth of social content to position her as a thought leader in her industry. This roadmap took shape in an extensive 115-page playbook defining Nancy’s brand and social media strategy including the voice & tone, brand positioning, audience definition, content pillars, and KPIs.

  • Over the course of 4 weeks, we met with Nancy for about 2 hours every week to dig deep and figure out who Nancy was and who she wanted to become to her online audience.

    We started by answering simple questions like what, how, who, and why to discover the voice, look & feel of her brand and to understand how to effectively communicate with Nancy’s target audience.

    The outcome of those meetings was a thorough plan with detailed tactics to increase Nancy’s brand awareness. We also established content pillars, posting cadence, content mix, hashtag targeting, and much more.

Defining the brand

  • Classy

  • Nurturing

  • Nancy Reynolds provides high-end real estate services to tech savvy go-getters living in San Jose, helping them build long-term wealth through real estate transactions

  • NANCY // Personal content that focuses on Nancy. Who she is, her character, and her values. This includes hobbies, friends/family, taste/preferences etc.

    BUSINESS // Content that’s focused on what Nancy does, i.e real estate listings, day to day, team, work etc.

    KNOWLEDGE // Content that shares information and shows expertise in the real estate space and business space. This includes tips/tricks, best practices, advice, and so on.

  • Realtor Ronnie
    Knowledge hungry real estate agents who want to level up the industry.

    • Male or female

    • 25-45 years old

    • Living and working in Silicon Valley

    Desire: To be informed about the market, industry, to learn real estate tips, tricks, and best practices.

    Techy Tracy
    Tech savvy go-getters living in San Jose looking to buy or sell a home.

    • Male or female

    • 30-49 years old

    • Working for FANG company and making over $300k per year

    • Married with children

    • Foodie

    Desire: To find a real estate agent who knows the area and can help them make smart home selling / buying decisions.

Pillar mix

Format mix


Content is king

Nancy’s existing photos and templates did not match her new style. We prepared a shot list for a photoshoot, organized a brand asset library (including photos) and created new templates for Nancy’s video thumbnails and property carousels.

  • Great photos and videos are essential to standing out online. Nancy brings an amazing energy and her existing photos and videos did not match her unique personality.

    We helped Nancy audit her existing image library and identify photos that could work for her new brand and provided clear guidelines to follow for any future photoshoots.

Thumb-stopping thumbnails

In order to create eye catching, thumb stopping thumbnails, we built a green screen library of reaction photos that could easily be edited and turned into thumbnails, gifs, and more.

We provided specific guidelines and a shot list to a San Jose based photographer who captured nearly 400 such photos.

Here are a few examples of how these photos were used.

Getting down to business

We worked with a designer to create an elegant template that would show off the property and reduce the clutter of unnecessary logos, text, and CTAs.

We also identified some of the most picturesque and storied homes that Nancy sold in the past and incorporated these into the content calendar.

Here you can see Nancy’s old carousel template and how the new one compares.

  • Our recommendation to Nancy was that not every home is created equal and as a result not every home should be shown on social.

    Our guidelines suggested to focus on:

    • High end, aesthetically pleasing homes

    • Storied homes

    • Unique home features

    • Homes in target areas / high end market

    • Homes with drastic before / after photos




Social Media Content



  • “If you are looking to really elevate your brand as a professional (aka become an influencer in your industry), a manager that can wrap their arms around the entire process and keep you educated on what content you need to produce to stay relevant is a game changer. I highly recommend working with Andre if you want to stand out among the thousands (maybe millions?) of other businesses in your industry playing the social media game.”

    Nancy Reynolds
    Founding Sales Partner, Rainmaker Real Estate


Kingdom Kids